Basic Trust Officer 1


This course will be conducted in English.

The BOTO 1 course provides fundamental knowledge on the role of a trust office. It covers basic knowledge on the topics and basic concepts of compliance and integrity, Wtt2018, Wwft and other legislation, entities (civil/fiscal), financial statements and tax terminology.

For whom?
The BOTO 1 is intended for starting employees and employees with up to 1 year of relevant work experience.

Level: (at least) HBO

Structure of the training
The training consists of 5 meetings on location and 10 e-learnings; 3 hours each (reading text and additional source material + mandatory assessments).


  1. Compliance and supervision (4 hours)
  2. Business law (4 hours)
  3. Administration and annual accounts (4 hours)
  4. Dutch tax law general (2 hours) & Tax return and information obligations (2 hours)
  5. Profit taxes (2 hours) & International tax structures (2 hours)

Learning objectives
The objective of BOTO 1 is to provide starting employees of trust offices a thorough understanding of the essential tasks of a trust office and the relevant regulations. Upon completion of this course, you will have a clear understanding of the work involved in a trust office and the responsibilities the trust office has within the applicable laws and regulations.

Test (multiple choice and open questions)

 Logo Erkenning opleiding HQ


Thursday 01 October 2024
Tuesday 08 October 2024
Tuesday 15 October 2024
Tuesday 05 November 2024
Thursday 14 November 2024
Course hours: 13:00 - 17:15
Hotel Schiphol A4

Test: Monday 02 December 2024, 09:00 - 11:00 


Ja, ik wil me inschrijven voor Basic Trust Officer 1 te Hotel Schiphol A4. De factuur à €2950 excluding VAT ontvang ik kort voor de startdatum van de cursus.


Datum, tijd en locatie
Dinsdag 1 oktober 2024
Dinsdag 08 oktober 2024
Dinsdag 15 oktober 2024
Dinsdag 05 november 2024
Donderdag 14 november 2024
Tijden alle dagen: 13:00 - 17:15
Hotel Schiphol A4

Prijs: €2950 excluding VAT

Betaling: you will receive the invoice shortly before the start date.

Price exam €175 (excl. VAT). You will receive a separate invoice.

  • pe hqHQ: 30 PE-punten


Heb je vragen over deze opleiding? Ik beantwoord ze graag voor je. Ik denk ook graag mee over een maatwerkcursus of volledig programma voor jouw kantoor.

Sdu Licent Academy
Sdu Licent Academy

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Sdu Licent Academy

Sdu Licent Academy | Maanweg 174 » 2516 AB Den Haag |  (070) 3780750 |

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